Jumping the Connection Gap: Helping Students Build a Bridge between Major and Career


  • Brandy Schillace Winona State University


civic engagement, program development


How do we impress upon our students the value of ethical writing?—of community involvement?—of civic activism? We must do more than prepare them for their roles as community members and future employees; we must show them in what way they are prepared, as well as how and why to maintain community connections. The following paper details the creation of a pilot course and its revision into a repeatedly offered 200-level English class intended to close the gap between students and the wider business and civic community.

Author Biography

  • Brandy Schillace, Winona State University
    Brandy Schillace received her PhD from Case Western Reserve University. Her research interests include 18th-century British literature and intersections of pedagogy, literature and medicine. As part of this varied focus, Dr. Schillace is the Managing Editor for Culture, Medicine and Psychiatry, an international journal of cross-cultural health research. Her current research includes a book proposal on women’s rhetoric and education, as well as an article on 18th century obstetrics. Dr. Schillace is presently an Assistant Professor of English at Winona State University.


